Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another oKerrence!

Its about two months since we last wrote (or thereabouts!) and we have had the joy of getting in touch with a number of old friends through ‘facebook’. Its great to be back in touch after all these years and getting to know what you are doing. We’ve found ourselves dealing with the usual rounds of sicknesses over the last couple of months, although there was a six week stretch where we were bug free for a while! Through all of it we continue to rejoice at the undeserved Grace that has been shown to us through Jesus, who has paid the price for our sin. Please do continue to uphold us in prayer, that individually and as a family we would learn to serve and honour the Lord and that both Josiah and Jessica would grow up to know him day by day.

We are off to South Africa in December, to meet James’ family. We are greatly looking forward to the trip, spending the most time in the Southern Cape. Please pray for a refreshing time, and also to take every opportunity to honour God in our lives, whether in word or deed. Pray for safety and health in a country which hasn’t had a great record recently.

The Ongoing work at SMU

Since last time we wrote, our term has started and in fact has almost finished! We are into week 11 out of 15 and we have much to give thanks for.

Our first three weeks was spent looking at the first four chapters of the Gospel of John. The aim of this was to introduce Jesus to any non Christians who were there and his claim to eternal life and secondly to challenge those who knew Christ to live for him. We had about 80+ people come for the first week, mostly to check out SMUCF and our activities. Traditionally, numbers settle about 30+ - 40 in a our larger meetings (60-70 in our bible studies) as the busyness of Uni life eats into the student’s free time (and believe me it is unbelievably busy!).

Following those opening three weeks, we began on the book of James and have been slowly moving our way through ever since. It has been a great challenge to all of us, to live single-mindedly for God, listening to his Wisdom, especially in an environment that screams out the world’s. Most of us have come to realize the plague of ‘double-mindedness’ that James speaks about – the selfish ambition and passions that covets and despises and leads us to ‘Spiritual Adultery’. It has lead all of us to examine our own lives once again. At the same time, we all continue to be amazed by the Grace that God gives in actually giving us a chance to ‘humble’ ourselves before him and humbly accept the implanted word. Whilst he makes his wrath known, he is a generous God, full of Love and Mercy!
Please do pray that the precious truths that we have all been learning will continue to work and energise our lives to be lived in loving obedience to him. SMU is a place where the societal values and Singaporean hopes and dreams are exaggerated, and the Gospel quite often cuts radically across those norms. Give thanks too, that this year we have an enthusiastic bunch of freshers who have been keen and consistent in coming along, boosting our numbers to 50+ on average, even in the busy weeks!

I am involved in reading the bible or other relevant books with a number of the students on a one to one basis. This has been a great source of encouragement to me as we read and pray and see their lives challenged and transformed by the power of the Gospel. Please do pray that we will continue to encourage each other and spur one another on to love and good deeds.

Over the last few weeks, we have been having our Thursday Lunchtime talks, where we can invite our non-believing friends along to hear the Truth. Normally, we have a series of three talks, normally from one of the four Gospels so that we can present a picture of who Christ is and what he has come to do. This series was entitled ‘The Great Big Heart of the Father’ and was faithfully expounded by Rev Philip Sinden from St George’s Anglican Church in Tanglin. He spoke from Luke 15; 23 & 24 about God’s Grace, why Jesus had to die and the ‘good news for the world’. Do give thanks for those who have come along to hear of God’s grace and especially those who have come back and have begun to be involved in evangelistic bible studies. We had hoped to make our advertisement for these events more ‘wide’ but we face significant restrictions in how and when we can advertise our activities at SMU. Both distributing flyers, advertising by poster and mass emailing are not allowed, leaving us dependent on personal invitations (which is of course is still fundamental to his ‘work’). Our advertisement for our freshman’s camp in the freshman’s orientation booklet was also excluded this year making it hard to get the word out about us. But, as is so often the case when we think this will be a hindrance, God has continued his work on campus. Please pray that whatever our circumstances, we will continue to acknowledge that he makes it grow, and so live humbly and dependently on him. At the same time pray that we might continue to be bold in reaching out to our friends whatever the restrictions or circumstances.

Lastly do remember us this December as we hold the December Bible Retreat. This year, we are looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Rev David Burke from Orchard Road Presbyterian Church will be giving the talks. Pray that as we study the Scriptures, we might be clearer on this topic and any misunderstandings or error will be corrected. Please pray too, that as we fellowship around his word, that we might grow in love and service of each other. Here is a diary of events for the coming weeks and the rest of the school year (finishing in April) so that you have an idea of what is going on in the coming months and to be praying for us. We will remind you of what’s happening as we keep going with our updates.

November, 2007
Finishing off James: ‘Get Real’ Evangelistic Lunchtime talk follow up and Bible Studies
University Exams (26th-30th)

December, 2007
December Bible Retreat: Getting a Grip on the Holy Spirit? (4th-7th)
South Africa (7th -2nd Jan)

January, 2008
Topical Series: Love, Sex & Marriage in a Confused World (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, 5th Feb)

February, 2008
Evangelistic Event: ‘Liberated for sex’, Richard Chin, AFES (15th, set to coincide with Valentine’s Day)
Follow up from ‘Liberated for sex’
1 Thessalonians: Tentatively ‘Final Destination’ (19th Feb- 8th April)
SMUCF Membership Class / Fun Day

March, 2008
Evangelistic Lunchtime Talks: TBD (4th, 11th & 18th)
Lunchtime Talk Follow Up

April, 2008
April Bible Retreat (TBD)

May – July
RML Mark
RML Romans

The Ongoing work at the Kerr’s household

One of the on-going work for me as a mother is to constantly think through what Christian mothering/parenting means as the kids go through various stages of growth & responds according to their little own personalities. Included in the battle is dealing with my own sinfulness first as I face the challenges with my kids.

Please pray that I will constantly ask God for His wisdom & to trust in that wisdom by ‘applying’ it.

I enjoy reading Christian books. I enjoy being able to resource someone else’s brains on their insights & thoughts on particular topics. One of the books I have read recently is Women’s Ministry in the Local Church.** It came about when one of the female students at SMUCF suggested reading it together as she wanted to discuss the book with someone. It was a beneficial read. It reminded us clearly from the bible of the God-given roles of women & how specific women’s ministry is important to teach & apply those roles. It also helped us think through Titus 2 practically, particularly of how we can be teaching the younger generation of women – both in truth & works. Given the phase of life I am in at the moment (as a mother of young kids) it is hard to be very active in ‘official’ ministry. However, it was also the right time to read this book as it keeps me focused & alert in my role as a woman & mother. To be able to think through appropriate responses to situations that I face in these roles so that I can hopefully pass on what I have learnt to the younger generation as I go along.

Please pray that I will continue to take hold of the role that God has given me. I do find it very difficult most times, but rewarding too as I look back on what He has taught me thus far.

** By J. Ligon Duncan & Susan Hunt

Josiah (18th Dec 2001)

Time has flown. Josiah has just had his ‘graduation’ ceremony cum musical a week ago. Graduating from Kindergarten and onto Primary 1 next year! (Yes, unbelievably, they have graduation from Kindergarten) He had the opportunity to be the narrator for his school’s Noah’s Ark musical. The weeks prior to the musical he came down with a virus which caused him to lose his voice & after regaining it to enter into fits of coughs when he tried to use his voice! But thankfully, he recovered in time & was able to narrate clearly despite the blocked nose. He was encouraged to work hard at it as it was ‘his’ opportunity to tell others what God did in the account of Noah. It was encouraging to see him work hard as a result.

Please continue to pray for Josiah’s growth in the Lord & for his love & understanding to increase.

Thank you for your prayers regarding schooling for Jos next year. God has answered our prayers & Josiah was offered a place in a nearby Christian school.

Please join us in thanksgiving to God in His provision of schooling for Josiah.

Jessica (5th Aug 2005)

Fun & exciting things in the life of the parents of a 2 year old are simply seeing them grow & achieve certain milestones. It has been fun to hear Jessica progress in her speech since her second birthday. The ability to communicate better also seems a little surreal at times because it makes you feel like you have a real 2 way relationship going now. Of course you will have to really listen carefully, otherwise you might confuse ‘Tee Vee’ with ‘Wee wee’, or ‘sleep’ with ‘sweet’, or ‘bird’ with ‘bread’ etc. She calls all mothers ‘mummy’ & all kids ‘babies’. When asked what colour mummy’s hair is, the answer is ‘green’. When asked how old Jess is, the answer is ‘2’, jos is ‘3’, mama is ‘4’ & dada is ‘6’.

Another recent highlight is her speed in being potty-trained! James managed to get her pretty much doing all her business in the potty in just one afternoon! So, mummy is happy.

Please join us in praising God for being the creator of our little kids - weird, wonderful & challenging all at the same time!

Thank You for your Support
SMUCF is completely independent and self supported. If you are able to be involved in our work in giving financially either to us individually or the organization, please do contact Lee Keng Yi at kengyi@gmail.com

1 comment:

island said...

boy! i can't believe it! i only just saw a photo of me and jos taken in the arpc church office some time back. and he was a small little baby then!! it must be me that's growing older.

nice to find your blog and hope to see more entries soon! (i'm gonna link you to mine ;))