Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Okerrance (Jan - March, 2011)

We do hope you are all keeping well. It’s been some time since the last oKerrance, so we have much to catch up on.

Ending Well

We shall start at the end…of 2010 that is.
2010 ended with the FOCUS Christmas carols. This is an annual event held at the university where we have a chance to openly proclaim the Gospel in a open air setting. We had about 150 people come, and they enjoyed dinner, a short kids talk, and of course many carols sung in different languages. This year, Jesus was testified to in song in Swahili, Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese and of course, English! There was a short talk about why Jesus came into the world and many expressed an interest to either be involved in small groups, or to investigate more about the truth. We had
really great fun.

At the end of each year, the AFES (Australian Fellowship of International Students) hold an annual training event called the NTE (the National Training Event). This conference for students across the land (and also those from different lands!), trains them in different areas of theological thinking, be it from strand 1 groups which teach basic skills in learning to read the bible, to strand 4 groups that teach the meaning and implications of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Over 1200 students came to NTE 2010, and we were greatly blessed to hear the book of 2 Timothy exposited by Don Carson. I ran a FOCUS strand group and it was really encouraging to see so many overseas students from across different parts of Australia really enthusiastic and enjoying learning how to read the bible.

 Following NTE, we have the great privilege of going out in teams on mission to different parts of Australia. This year, I lead a team to Wilde Street, Maroubra (South East Sydney). We had about 10 FOCUS students from Wollongong this year on mission, and they all really enjoyed the experience of learning to share their faith, both in song at shopping centres (Singing Christmas carols), in testimony (at various events) and in speaking to people on the streets.

Sadness and Joy

Of course, as the year draws to a close, many of our international students need to return home, either for a short while on holiday, but also for good. Having been in this ministry for just a year, I had not had the experience of seeing many of those we have come to know and love in Christ, return home. There are many who come through the doors of FOCUS, and a number who stay to find out more. We had a number of students who became Christians last year and it was a great joy to see them established in the faith, albeit for only a short period in some cases. Two of those were Lany and Charlie.

Charlie returned home to Korea in February and Lany to China. It was amazing to see these two grow exponentially in their faith and biblical understanding in such a short time. The danger of course is that as they return home, that growth is stunted or even stops as the  pressure of work or family life gets on top of them. However, as far as we know, both Charlie and Lany continue on in the Lord, facing the trials that are so real for them. We learnt 1 Peter 2:21-25 this year at our NTE strand groups, so our prayer is that they too would continue to entrust themselves to the Lord in the face of abuse, ridicule or just being ‘different’, just as our Lord did. Perhaps you could pray that for them too?


We never feel as though December is a holiday for some reason! Josiah’s birthday (18th Dec) followed James’ time away at NTE and mission (2nd-12th Dec). This in turn is followed by all the Christmas preparations. We had Christmas with Maria’s father and her sister’s family this year, followed by Boxing day with many of the FOCUS students who had not returned to their home countries. 23 people turned up for a time of Turkey, Christmas puddings and games. By the end of December we were ready for a break which we had in the Blue Mountains with Maria’s sister’s family. Both Josiah and Jessica had an awesome time with their cousins, whilst their parents got to enjoy couple’s evenings out to dinner!

We also had the great joy of seeing old friends over the break. The Divyanathans from Singapore visited us in mid December, and we were able to show them a bit of what Wollongong has to offer, as well as to catch up and enjoy Colin Buchanan ‘live’ together (a Kid’s Christian song writer and performer). If you are ever in Sydney, do come and see us, as we always enjoy visitors.

January was less frantic overall, but still busy –
we got to go to New Zealand! We have good friends in Wellington and so we had a great 10 days both catching up with them and visiting parts of the North Island. We were so blessed to have accommodation organised for us, as well as enjoying the culinary delights of New Zealand together! Thank God with us for the opportunity to catch up with friends over December and January and to get a chance to have an affordable holiday away.

And… the beginning of ‘11

As usual the beginning of the academic year is full on. It is a really important time for us, to be out there on the walkways of the university letting overseas students, both new and old alike, know about FOCUS – who we are, what we do and what we believe.
This year we were invited to be included in the international clubs and Societies stores during International enrolment. This was a great way of advertising ourselves, and there was lots of interest.

We held a ‘Welcome to Wollongong’ seminar for arriving students, which aimed to inform internationals about what to expect as a student arriving in a new country, an introduction to Australian culture, and experiences of some seasoned internationals students. 

They were invited along to our Welcome dinner, and about 60 turned up for our opening meeting. In the opening few weeks of term, numbers of international students coming to hear the good news has been encouraging, not just in Wollongong, but all over Australia. Since then we have been averaging over 50 on Thursdays, with many newcomers returning and eager to study the bible in small groups, and that is SO encouraging. Do thank God for this increase in numbers across the country and pray that there would be a real repentance and faith in those who stay. Pray too for us as a staff team who have the joy of keeping up with so many! We have been looking at the first four chapters of John’s Gospel this first half of term and plan to look at Genesis 1-11 in the second half of semester.
This year, Jerry Lee has joined the FOCUS UoW staff as a ministry trainee, and seems to have settled well. Thank God for that. Please pray for him and me as I train him on a weekly basis, as Jerry is the first ‘official’ trainee on staff that I have trained before. Pray also for me as I make a very tentative start in learning to speak Mandarin… Yes, its finally happening!

Here are a number of other things that we would love you to pray for over the coming weeks,
·         Mid Semester FOCUS fun day – Nowra Wildlife Park followed by dinner and talk. Pray that FOCUS folks would invite their friends and that the Gospel would be explained on that day.
·         Our short break away in Sydney in mid- April – that we would have refreshing and fun time as a family.
·         My Sermon series in the book of Genesis – that I would preach faithfully and clearly and that many would see the impact that Genesis has on life.
·         Our annual ‘Meaning of Easter’ Dinner – that many would want to come and find out the meaning of this time of year.

And the Family

Jessica has started Kindergarten this year! (For our overseas friends, this means the start of 'big' school - going from 9am-325pm 4days a week in the first term and then 5days from second term onwards!) After a reticent start in her class, she is getting more used to it now and is doing well in her reading. She is also fully into her dancing now, with two lessons a week, and soon to be performing at four local dance competitions throughout the year!

Josiah has just finished his cricket season, and has thoroughly enjoyed the time over the summer. He was one of the most effective bowlers this year in the under 10’s. As I have mentioned before, he supports the Australian Cricket team and so it has been quite a subdued summer. For me on the other hand, who supports England, its been quite a good summer. The less said about that over here, the better…

Over to Maria!

Hi everyone, as you read from the above we started this year running and have been on a fast jog since – but it has been wonderfully paced out with rest & refreshment points! This year -although busy, I have been enjoying a more healthy balance of work & much needed exercise and time out.

In this oKerrance, I would like to share with you some of the things that refresh me and bless me!

Enjoying beautiful Wollongong

Walking soon becomes a lovely joy when you have scenery that takes your breath away each time. Although the sight & sound of water have a calming effect on my mind it also always reminds me of the awesomeness of the One who created it. ‘The sea’ in the Bible is often linked to the idea of chaos and havoc, and yet we know the One who has ultimate control over it and can calm it with a word. What a great priviledge! It takes the fear out of things we cannot control and enables us to enjoy that which He has created. I have been thankful that I am only 10mins away from a getaway if I need a walk, somewhere peaceful to read or a place for quiet reflection. Thank God for giving us good things to enjoy!

Enjoying another’s gifting - Books

I have always enjoyed books because we can share in the gift of insight and of the experiences that God has given to the writer. It is a great blessing that God has given us brothers & sisters who build us up in this way. Two books which I have read recently and have been blessed by is Feminine Appeal – Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife & Mother, by Carolyn Mahaney and Did I kiss Marriage goodbye? – Trusting God with a hope deferred, by Carolyn McCulley.

Feminine Appeal was a great model of Titus 2. Carolyn as an older woman shares her wealth of experiences & teaches us from Titus 2 of how we can be Titus 2 women! – Whether you are single or married. It’s like having an older woman by our side, guiding teaching & encouraging us to aspire to God’s created purposes for us. I felt rebuked at many points of the book, and my prayer is to give it a second reading and pray through the things that I need to change.

Did I kiss marriage goodbye is a book written by a single lady who struggles with her singleness but very helpfully suggests godly ways to respond to the gift that God has given her. I, having been married for nearly 12 years, have lost touch with a lot of the real struggles that our single sisters face and of how we can be intentionally helpful towards our sisters. Reading the book gave me real insights into practical ways of how we can affirm their singleness and encourage them to live out their gifts. Please pray that I will be sensitive & caring & more intentional in my prayers for my sisters, and that my speech would reflect my belief in God’s good purpose for their singleness. As I was reading, God brought to my mind lots of my current single friends who already use their singleness for God. I felt encouraged in heart & for them I gave great thanks to God!

Enjoying relationships & fellowship

I have been truly blessed with having so many sisters in Christ around me that I can chat with, pray with and read the bible with! This year, I have had the privilege of spending more time with 3-4 ladies on a regular basis. I am always encouraged when we share our lives, pray for each other and remind each other of our status in Christ. I was particularly encouraged by Kate, who asked to meet up shortly after she gave birth to her second child – we have been meeting together regularly to read through the book of Proverbs and enjoying it. Please give thanks to God with me for Jessamy, Belinda, Liz & Kate! Pray that I can be an encouragement to them as they have been to me.

Another highlight in terms of relationship and fellowship is the start of a new church bible study group at our home on Tuesday nights. We have had a steady commitment of 8-10 people come every week, and I have been blessed by their contribution and commitment to the group. We are slowly getting to know one another, please pray that as we grow together we would continue to support each other & to reach out to those around us.