Friday, August 17, 2007

A Brief History of the Kerr’s…2006-2007

“Anyone heard from James and Maria lately?”

It’s perhaps a question that you have been asking. Or perhaps you haven’t! Perhaps you already know, but have not heard any word from us for the last two years! There is of course never any excuse for not communicating earlier, so all we can say is sorry. It’s only now, after a year into our new job, that we feel ready to actually get a regular news update and prayer letter to you all. It’s long overdue, but here we go…

An overview of the Kerr’s Time (well sort of)…

Many of you wouldn’t have heard from us since we were in Sydney. We graduated from Moore Theological College at the end of 2005, with uncertainties over our future. We considered staying in Australia and finding a ministry position there, but after various options were considered, we returned to Singapore, having been offered a job back here with the Singapore Management University Christian Fellowship (SMUCF).

We arrived in Singapore in early Feb 2006 for a friend’s wedding and were soon applying for the relevant visas for employment back in Singapore! Even though it was a fairly quick decision to return, it took at least 5-6 months for everything to be settled. We saw the rising costs of accommodation here in Singapore (especially rentals) so we decided to buy an apartment. Extra stressors!

Since then (around June, 2006) James has been busy trying to find his footing with the teaching and preaching schedule at SMUCF, and Maria has been trying to find her place in a society which does not really support stay-at-home mums. More from her about that in a while…

James and the Work at SMUCF

SMUCF is an independent organization registered with the Singapore Registry of Societies. That simply means it is an organization that has the freedom to meet publicly and legally and can operate independently. We are one of the two Christian organisations that are allowed to ‘officially’ meet on Campus. In its short history, beginning in 2000 when the University was established, a very strong evangelical foundation has been laid. It was conceived independently from other campus Christian organizations and is still that way today.

Our aim very much stems from Paul’s conviction in Colossians 1:28, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” The foundation of the ministry is therefore the proclamation of the Word of God. My role in particular is to do just that, so that the students will understand, live and proclaim the Gospel.

For me personally, the first year has felt like a whirlwind. My schedule is centred around the main teaching slots at SMU. On Tuesday evenings, we have evening Bible Studies where the students meet in their small groups. We then have a corporate meeting in a larger group so that we can meet together and sing and pray and listen to his word (which I have the responsibility to expound every week). On Thursday evenings, there is leader’s training, where the student leaders will be trained to understand and apply the Word for the sake of their groups. They may have additional topical and theological issues to think through at that time. Again, my responsibilities are to teach and disciple. Part of that involves training in evangelism (Normally 2 Ways to Live), how to think Theologically about Music, Relationships, Assurance, Money, Work and all sorts of other hot topics! We do a Mark’s Gospel Summer School, where we use ‘Read Mark Learn’ - a 26 week Bible Study Series in Mark’s Gospel produced by St Helen’s Church Bishopsgate, London.

As a new element last year, we introduced Thursday Lunchtime talks into the timetable. These were designed so that the students could have an opportunity to bring their friends to hear the Gospel. And finally, we have three camps per year, of which I normally am involved in teaching at the Freshman’s orientation camp. I will try and engage other like minded ministers to give the main talks at the other two (December and April).

Beginning this year, we have been invited to be involved in an International Student Ministry, in conjunction with other churches in the vicinity of the Campus. We are currently in a planning stage at the moment, but we see it as an opportunity to reach out to those from China, India, Myanmar and the surrounding region. Please pray for our direction in this ministry and the enthusiasm of the students to reach out to those who don’t yet know Jesus.

Please do remember us in prayer for the work at SMUCF…

§ Give thanks for the short number of years of faithful Gospel ministry at SMU and the way it has been used to reach out to Non Christians, and build up the Christian students. Please pray that we will remain faithful to the Gospel and its pure proclamation.

§ Pray for the continuing maturity of the CF members, especially in their home church environments where there may not be a solid Biblical Ministry. Pray for them as they take a stand for the Gospel and the Word of God.

§ Thank God for the word that was preached at a recent evangelistic dinner held in a restaurant at Old Parliament House. Pray for those who responded and would like to know more, that God would soften their hearts to receive Christ. Please pray for the ongoing enthusiasm of the students to invite their friends to our various evangelistic dinners and talks (We’ll update you as they happen!).

§ Pray for the upcoming International Students work at SMU. Pray that we would find opportunities to build relationships with the students from overseas and that opportunities would arise to tell them about the hope that we have.

§ Pray for the upcoming term and our study in the book of James. Pray that the students would humble themselves daily before God and submit to his will as they read and obey his word.


Singapore’s economic success thrives largely on their ‘human’ resource. As a result, not only are they encouraging more births, but they also encourage mothers to go back to work shortly after giving birth. Children are cared for by grandparents, maids or placed into childcare from 7am-7pm.

Do pray for me - being a stay-home mum in Singapore has many challenges. They range from the small task of grocery shopping, to bigger issues of support & isolation. The help that I once enjoyed such as a use of a car, longer hours of school for Josiah & having easy access to other stay-home mums are no longer readily available.

On the upside, I have been greatly encouraged and enjoyed the weekly sermons at our church. In addition I have been meeting up regularly with some of the students in a 121 capacity, as well as looking for some mutual encouragement from other ladies.

Picture (left) - Josiah & Jessica @ the playground

Josiah is currently in K2 (Kindergarten 2), next year he will move to Primary 1. We learnt that registering for P1 is a hot topic amongst parents. Education is perceived as fundamental to kids’ success in the future, so getting into the ‘right’ school is vital. To secure a spot in an envied school might involve relocation near the school or hours of volunteer work.

Being non-PRs we understandably get last choice in choosing schools but our hope & prayer is that the school will firstly be close in distance, secondly for the teachers to genuinely care for the kids & help them learn in a not so pressured environment.

In K2 school is 3 hours consisting mostly of classroom work in English, Mandarin & Math. Coming into this environment takes a lot of getting used to. It does mean that Josiah has less friends to hang out & play with (a lot of them have other enrichment programs or tuitions to attend) & of course more work to do. (especially in learning mandarin!)


Jessica has just turned 2 (5th August)! You know what they say about the terrible… oh, I mean terrific 2s! ;-) Jessica adores her brother, she mimics everything he does - she almost idolizes him! Her latest obsessions are ‘Bob the Builder’ & ‘Thomas & Friends’.

In the area of health, Jess has been sick every month since Jan 2007- averaging about 2 times a month. As a result, our family has been sick a lot due to the ‘sharing’ effect. So, please pray for health & strength for us all.

Do drop Maria an email ( or look her up on Facebook if you would like to chat or for more details/photos of the kids. She would be more than happy to reply when she gets a chance!